Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Ideas for Growing Your Business in 2016

For those of you who have already successfully started a business and are ready to take the next step, you may be wondering what you can do to help your business grow. There are many ways to do this, 10 of which are outlined below. Choosing the proper one (or ones) for your business will depend on the type of business you own, your available resources, and how much money, time and resources you're willing to invest all over again. If you're ready to grow, take a look at these tips.

  1. Open another location. This is often the first way business owners approach growth. If you feel confident that your current business location is under control, consider expanding by opening a new location.

Thursday, January 1, 2015


Thank you for being part of our 2014, Our 2015 services will be better as we grow from strength to strength with you through the new year.


Thursday, December 25, 2014

Season greetings!!! from La benjamins web solution

During the yelutide more than ever, our thoughts turn gratefully to those who have made our progress possible. 

And in this spirit we say, simply but sincerely... 

Thank You and Best Wishes for the Season, Wishing you all the warmth and happiness that this beautiful season always brings and a Happy New Year in advance

From all of us at

Join us on facebook, twitter and instagram @labenjaminsngr 

Once again thank you for being part of our year as we look forward to doing excellent business with you in 2015

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Are you aware that Google plans to stop the GNBO (Get Nigerian Businesses Online)initiative this December? This means that you may lose all the content on your site that you have worked so hard to build.

Monday, November 3, 2014

The Reasons Why Your Small Business Needs an Online Presence by Jane Williams

Your small business an online presence means more than simply putting up a little website with your company's address and phone number. It means setting up a virtual version of your business, with a welcoming, informative website, a Facebook page and Twitter account. In this electronic era, more people search online for the products and services they need as opposed to searching through a phone book. Ignoring this important potential marketing platform is akin to saying, "I don't need any new business."

10 Tips for the First-Time Business - SCOTT GERBER

1. Focus. Focus. Focus.

Many first-time entrepreneurs feel the need to jump at every "opportunity" they come across. Opportunities are often wolves in sheep's clothing. Avoid getting side-tracked. Juggling multiple ventures will spread you thin and limit both your effectiveness and productivity. Do one thing perfectly, not 10 things poorly. If you feel the need to jump onto another project, that might mean something about your original concept.

7 Sleep Habits of Successful Entrepreneur

We all know lack of sleep is harmful to our health — sleep affects mood, increases risk of psychiatric disorders and depression, cardiovascular disease and lowers immune system health. Yet the stress of running a company and long working hours means entrepreneurs often find themselves functioning on little sleep.